Although it has been around for decades, climate goals gave a new momentum for hydrogen technology that enjoys renewed and rapidly growing attention worldwide. Due to its versatility, hydrogen has been described by many as the Holy Grail of decarbonisation. Harnessing...
It’s time to put climate targets first
Legally binding reduction targets for member states should be the unequivocal starting point of making EU laws fit for new EU climate targets. Based on a new distribution formula, national targets should continue until climate neutrality is achieved in 2050.
Our participation at the “Making the European Green Deal Work – Road Map for the Visegrád Countries until 2030” event
The European Union has set itself the goal of being climate neutral by 2050. The European Green Deal describes a comprehensive transformation plan to a climate-neutral society. This also includes more ambitious climate targets by 2030. What does the European Green Deal mean for Hungary and the Visegrád Group?
Looking back on the Green Policy Center’s year 2020
We at the Green Policy Center have imagined the year 2020 quite differently, just as all of us. Nonetheless we have achieved during our first year of operations quite a lot; we have published articles, started a series of studies, organised public events, participated on conferences and were active on our social media outlets.
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