It is high time to talk about the details of creating a climate-neutral Hungary

It is high time to talk about the details of creating a climate-neutral Hungary

Legislation stipulates that Hungary would reach the state of climate neutrality by 2050. With this, Hungary was among the first countries in the world to set this important goal in legislation, making it mandatory for all Hungarian stakeholders. Of course, many people do not even understand why climate neutrality is important and what does it actually mean for them.

Fit for 55 – will it be fit for all? Expectation of the CEE region on the new EU climate legislative package

Fit for 55 – will it be fit for all? Expectation of the CEE region on the new EU climate legislative package

The European Council has reaffirmed its invitation to the Commission at its most recent meeting to develop a legislative package to reach the new climate ambitions of the Union – a work already long in the making under the title “Fit for 55”. At the Green Policy Center we have looked into what this new Commission package will include and what could it mean for the CEE countries.

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